For immediate release: January 5, 2011
For more information, contact: Pamela Reese Finch
(518) 462-2296 /
EAACH Response to the State of the State Message
A statement from the Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care
ALBANY – " Today’s State of the State message gave recognition to small business challenges and , hopefully, sets the stage for much-needed relief from the influence state policy places on private health insurance costs. "
“The Governor’s push to control health care costs and reign in mandates on the broader level should help our small business members who are struggling to pay for their own health insurance that, in and past four years has seen cost increases beyond medical inflation due to a record number of health care fees, taxes and regulatory changes ."
" High health insurance costs – a hot topic of debate on the federal level - continue to be a priority concern for most small businesses in New York as well as nationwide.We agree with the Governor, it’s time to change the way New York does business and create an environment that removes the obstacles to prosperity. We look forward to seeing the Governor’s budget plan, which we hope will reflect his commitment in stopping the trend of ever-increasing health insurance costs.”