Logo, The Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care - Health Care Advocacy Group

The Mandate Cycle

The New York State Legislature annually  introduces more than 100 health insurance mandates, taxes, fees and surcharges ---  ignoring evidence that every law passed will increase health insurance costs.

Small businesses ALWAYS  pay more than their fair share.

The Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care is the largest, single-issue grassroots coalition in New York State­. Our members are small business owners who are commitment to promoting the need for affordable health insurance. We are here to remind Albany that the cost and quality of our health insurance has a direct impact on their local community.

Controlling mandates will give small businesses tangible relief from higher premiums.  Our landmark actuarial study (Mandated Health Insurance Benefits in New York State – May 2003) determined that the cost of funding New York’s existing health insurance mandate package had increased premiums by 12.2 percent – a cost that has skyrocketed this past decade.

According to the New York Health Foundation, the state’s health care spending overall and per capita is among the highest in the nation.  The problem is so severe that the NFIB Research Foundation’s quadrennial Small Business Problems and Priorities survey cited health insurance costs as a “critical” concern for its members.

Membership is free, so join our fight to make health insurance affordable. Everyone deserves access to basic, affordable health care.