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Press Release
Febuary 8, 2005

Contact Pamela Finch
(315) 363-9657

Mental Health Proposal Shows 'Landmark Appreciation' For Employer Concerns

ALBANY - The New York State Senate displayed a "landmark appreciation" for small business concerns by including a small group exemption in their unlimited mental health proposal, said the chairman of the state's largest, single-issue grassroots business coalition.

"S.1672 indicates that lawmakers have some understanding of the hardship health insurance mandates place on business owners who are committed to providing their employees with reasonable and affordable health insurance coverage," said Jeff Leland, newly-elected chairman of the Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care. "All health insurance mandates increase costs. This unlimited mental health bill is no exception. As costs continue to rise, so will the number of New York's working uninsured."

The United States Census Bureau reports that over three million New Yorkers have no health insurance coverage. 75% of the uninsured are working - most for small companies. The Senate's mental health proposal addresses the problem with various safeguards, including a clause exempting companies with 50 and fewer employees from the mandate.

The Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care is the largest single-issue grassroots business coalition in New York State. Members are committed to preserving quality, affordable health insurance by opposing costly mandates that contribute to New York's uninsured. For more information, visit www.employeralliance.com.