Logo, The Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care - Health Care Advocacy Group

New York's Largest, Single-Issue Grassroots Business Coalition

In the News

NY health care's real crisis

Reform Health Insurance without Increasing Premiums

Budget leaders must avoid tax that will increase health insurance costs

Cuomo's Windfall Tax Will Sicken the Insured

Ulster County business leaders decry health insurance tax in Cuomo budget

Amedore: Cuomo's Insurers' tax could trigger budget fight


Fighting for Affordable Health Insurance

In 1997, a handful of Upstate New York small business owners decided to take a stand against skyrocketing health insurance premiums and created The Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care.

More than 20 years later, Employer Alliance has become a leading voice for small business affordability, advocating for measures to end government regulation and reduce health care costs Our members comprise of small business owners, sole proprietors, chambers of commerce and business associations throughout the state.

State lawmakers introduce close to 100 different health insurance mandates, fees, assessments and taxes and make other regulartoru changes that are harmful to small businesses.

Our member are advocating for change - writing letters and contacting their lawmakers to promote health insurance that people can afford.   

Would you like to learn more about New York's health insurance mandates? Read the Empire Center for Public Policy's latest report here.

It's time to make your voice know and let Albany know that YOUR health insurance is important to your employees and to your business. Join today!

Since 1986, small business owners identified the cost of health insurance as their top priority, surpassing unreasonable government regulations and federal taxes!

NFIB's 2016 Small Business
Problems and Priorities