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For Immediate Release:

June 21, 2011

Contact: Pamela Reese Finch (518) 462-2296


End-of-session statement from The Employer Alliance for Affordable Healthcare


Small business insured let down by passage of Autism Mandate


ALBANY – Small business health insurance premiums will increase again – the result of a traditional end-of-session move dictating the content of small business health insurance coverage.

During its final days, New York's Assembly and Senate passed S4005-A/A6305-A – a bill that expands private health insurance coverage related to Autism Spectrum Disorder. Similar measure, vetoed by former Governor David Paterson last year, would have increase private health insurance costs in excess of $70 million

This legislation has unfortunate implications for small businesses and taxpayers alike,” said Pamela Reese Finch, Executive Director of the Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care, the largest single-issue small business coalition in New York State.  Our members have experienced the challenges presented by attempting to access affordable healthcare presents. This bill expands treatment for a select segment of the population, but increases the cost for everyone. There are many New Yorkers with limited or no health insurance coverage, for whom even a basic doctor's visit carries a significant cost. With federal healthcare reform on the horizon, we hope that the Governor, in his wisdom, will consider the long-term impact and refrain from signing this bill into law.”

The Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care is a group of more than 3,000 small business owners who oppose state regulations and mandates that increase costs and hinder accessibility.  For more information, visit www.employeralliance.com
