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Press Release
June 06, 2005

Contact Pamela Finch
(315) 363-9657

Eleventh Hour Déjà vu: Advocates Proposal Comes Too Late

A statement by Jeff Leland, chair Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care

In an attempt to appease small business concerns, today mental health proponents unveiled their third version of “Timothy’s Law” intended to recognize the financial hardship of small business owners who provide their employees with health insurance.

The Employer Alliance supports the intentions behind this legislation – small business owners are struggling under the cost of health insurance mandates like the mental health proposal. However, the timing of this bill comes a little too late. With only 12 days left in the regular session and no bill sponsors of record, this latest proposal appears a desperate attempt at resolution that has little, if any chance, of becoming a viable compromise.

We continue to maintain that state mandates - even those well intentioned - are not the answer. A system of a cost and needs analysis, before bills are passed, is the only way to truly maintain that health insurance is affordable and accessible, to all.