Logo, The Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care - Health Care Advocacy Group


Date: May 11, 2010

Bill: A 4223 (Crouch)
Seeks to create a health benefit and cost commission to conduct a comprehensive review of all current mandated benefits and an accurate cost analysis of proposed benefits.

The Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care is a grassroots coalition of more than 3,000 sole proprietors and small and medium-sized business owners who represent more than 150,000 working New Yorkers. The Council for Affordable Health Insurance, a national research and advocacy organization, places New York State among the top 10 most heavily mandated states in the nation. Due to the prevalence of this legislation and obvious cost-impact associated with mandates, the Employer Alliance has long advocated for New York to implement a vehicle to study the cost and medical efficacy of mandates prior to passage.

  • While we theoretically support creation of such a commission, we believe that this current proposal is unnecessary, since New York has already begun the process of seating a commission, the Health Care Quality and Cost Containment Commission, established in 2007. Once complete, it will serve the same purpose as the very commission proposed in this piece of legislation.
  • We urge Legislators to continue moving forward with the process started in 2007 and finishing seating the existing Health Care Quality and Cost Containment Commission so it can begin to study this session’s current 90+ mandate proposals. Like 26 other states, New Yorkers deserve this tool that will look at the cost impact of mandates prior to passage. The Legislature has already earmarked funding and passed the supporting legislation to create the Health Care Quality and Cost Containment Commission. At this juncture it would unnecessary to begin the process all over again.

For this reason, The Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care asks you to oppose A4223.

The Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care is a coalition of more than 3,400 employers and individuals from across New York, representing more than 200,000 working New Yorkers, committed to preserving quality affordable health care.

Employer Alliance For Affordable Health Care
PO Box 1412
Albany, New York 2201-1412