Logo, The Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care - Health Care Advocacy Group


Date: June 08, 2010
Bill:A2521,A6398,A6415, A6475

Bills: A2521 (Pretlow)
Relates to the coverage for diagnostic testing for ovarian cancer

A6398 (Ortiz)
Relates to coverage for medical nutrition therapy

A6415 (Perry)
Act to amend the insurance law in relation to restorative dental appliances

A6475 (Ortiz)
An act to amend the insurance law, in relation to providing coverage for surveillance tests for ovarian cancer

The Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care is a grassroots coalition of more than 3,000 sole proprietors and small and medium-sized business owners who represent more than 150,000 working New Yorkers. Our members believe that everyone should have access to basic, affordable health insurance. We oppose health insurance mandates that increase premium costs and decrease accessibility of basic, affordable health insurance.

The above bills seek to expand private health insurance coverage by amending the health insurance law. Each of these mandates will incrementally increase the price that small business owners and sole proprietors pay for health insurance coverage. At a time when nearly $3 million New Yorkers lack any coverage whatsoever, we urge you to take no additional action to diminish accessibility.

In 2007, New York became the 27th state to create a Health Care Quality and Cost Containment Commission. This body is earmarked with the task of determining cost and medical efficacy of mandate legislation prior to passage. As of today, this commission is not operational. Before you pass any additional mandates, first, and foremost, finish seating the commission and allow it to work as intended.

We ask you to oppose the above legislation

The Employer Alliance for Affordable Health Care is a coalition of more than 3,400 employers and individuals from across New York, representing more than 200,000 working New Yorkers, committed to preserving quality affordable health care.

Employer Alliance For Affordable Health Care
PO Box 1412
Albany, New York 2201-1412